06 March 2013

Happiness for $3.88

I found happiness today at Target for $3.88 plus tax. As J was pushing the cart along (not kidding, he stands and walks behind the cart) rather slowly I was able to browse the shelves. Patterns caught my eye and I stopped to find a lovely clearance pile of daily planners for the new year! Yes, the new year that started three months ago…

Anyhow, I needed a planner and I found one that I absolutely love! So what if I won’t use all the pages for January and  February? That just means when I am late getting a new planner NEXT year I will have blank pages to use until I find another planner (also on clearance, also three months late). 

So I paid $3.88 for a $12.99 planner, I win!

Now I just have to be brave and write in it. Spend out right?

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