18 March 2013

Month 13

Dear J,

At thirteen months old it is plain to see that you are no longer a baby. You have begun to do little boy things and it is amazing to see how much you have changed in just the last month.

You finally accepted that shoes are not the end of the world (despite your initial assumption) and are actually pretty snazzy.
You were blessed with two more teeth. (Only four teeth in and I'm ready to be done with teething, forever!)

You helped mommy pick up (and then dump) your toys over and over again.

You decided that running everywhere is SO much better than walking. Especially when you are running straight at mom with the camera...
You learned to clap for yourself when we exclaim, "Yay J!"

You discovered what the knocker on the front door is for, and use it often.

You touched a toad
You faced your fear of the vacuum.

You flew on two more airplanes (and made us realize that you are no longer a lap-child).

You experienced big boy slides and playgrounds.
Oh, and you still are the sweetest, silliest boy that I have ever met! Love, Mom

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