24 June 2013

An Adventurous Mountain Jaunt

For some reason I want to throw the word "adventure" into every post title. Adventure makes our everyday activities seem much more hard-core and thrilling. Plus, if I think of something as an adventure it is much more exciting when we all make it out alive.

This weekend our adventure took us to the trailhead of Naomi Peak, the highest point in our county! Everything was ready and J and I were appropriately bribed (we don't walk for more than a mile without red vines, swedish fish, and a white chocolate macadamia nut Clif Bar). 

Unfortunately we were greeted by cold, gusty winds and so our adventure began by eating our picnic lunch in the car (joys of a hatchback!).
After lunch we braved the weather and began walking the nature trail around the lake. (Note, not the trailhead like we were planning originally.) We decided it was just too cold to hike all that way so instead we opted for a shorter route with trees protecting us from the wind.
 And J the T-rex came along. It was so nice of his short-armed, roaring self to join us.
This hat has been the greatest mystery to me. After months and months of ripping it off (and throwing it as far away as possible), he decides that he likes it. In fact, he wants to wear it all the time. Because he is one cool dude.
Our two hour nature walk around the lake was enjoyable, although slow moving. J insisted that he could walk on his own. He also insisted that he needed to stop every few minutes to pick up and throw a rock, rescue an ant from the trail, or play in the mud.

When we finally completed the mile loop (did I mention two hours? and my list of excuses? oh good, you caught those!) it was back to the car for a quiet and peaceful drive home.


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