08 July 2013

Fourth of July

"When he sends me flowers, it makes my heart melt like a popsicle 
on the Fourf of July!"
Yep, that would be me kinda quoting one my favorite movies. Why? Joseph went backpacking last week and sent me flowers when he was away! My heart did a little melting the day before the 4th of July.

Although Joseph was gone, the remaining Piepers weren't lonely as we spent the week the both sets of grandparents + aunties! J was in heaven playing with new toys, chasing new dogs, and eating more sweets and goodies than he gets at home.

We started off the day early at the parade. We didn't get any candy but J absolutely loved all the big trucks and horses that were pulling the floats. Oh, and he also loved spending time with his favorite mama! (He finally said it! I'm in mommy heaven.)
That evening we enjoyed family, good food, and cute patriotic outfits. See this kid, (that cute one down below) he really loves the camera. And I love that he loves the camera.
After J was safely and soundly in bed (with his sound machine turned WAY up to compensate for the extra firework ruckus) and home with Grandpa, we headed to the biggest fireworks west of the Mississippi River! Which I always grew up thinking was just something people in town said, but it ranked #2 of the best firework shows in America. (But I still don't believe it. IDAHO? I guess you can add it to your small list of things you know about Idaho. 1). Potatoes 2). Fireworks)

And I couldn't believe how much fun it was to take pictures of the fireworks! I'm sure the people around me thought I was crazy with my tripod and remote timer going off every three seconds for most of the show.
PS: Don't tell J that I love taking pictures of fireworks, 
I think he would be a little jealous.

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