17 July 2013

Month 17

My dear miniature man,

Another month, gone quicker than you running full speed for an open door, cabinet, toilet, or dishwasher! Our house has been much more noisy as you have added many words, sounds, and high-pitched screams to your repertoire. I am amazed at how quickly you are learning and growing.

You have learned how to help unload the dishwasher (the middle-man between the dishwasher and the cabinets), put away your clothes (kinda), and throw away your own diapers. You are also becoming better at using a cup and a spoon. (With the exception of applesauce...just too fun to smear.) 

Your new favorite outdoor activity is to sneak away onto our neighbor's front porch and shriek, "TRUCK!" at the top of your lungs. You really do love cars and trucks. Nearly everyday we sit on a busy corner so you can watch them go by while honking and beeping at them.

In fact, you about died and went to heaven this week when the city repaved the road right in front of our house. HUGE trucks zooming back and forth, meant you were sprawled on the back of the couch all day.

You have also added another performance to your circus act. You truly are living up to your nickname, Monkey Boy.

This month we also went camping for the second time as a family! You loved the dirt, bugs, and splashing in the lake. It was fun to look back and realize this same time a year ago we went camping for the first time. Both times we camped and threw rocks into a lake, both times we came home early because the thought of another sleepless night with a Mr. J was just too much to bear.
Happy 17 months my little ball of energy!

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