14 August 2013

Bard Yard Fun: Senior Session

This handsome fellow is J's only and most favorite uncle! (You might remember him from my Lightroom presets post last week.)  While in Idaho two weekends ago, I had the chance to do a very relaxed senior session for this great guy. Relaxed meaning we were driving to dinner with the whole family when we jumped out of the car at the barn, shot some images, and then continued on our way.
And of course J needed to photo bomb 
and show his uncle some (strawberry-faced) love!
 After dinner we headed to a nearby wheat field right after sunset for some images with his cello. Me bounding through the tall, scratchy wheat was surely a funny site for the cars driving by, but I absolutely love the images we were able to get.

1 comment:

  1. These are AMAZING pics taken by an AMAZING photographer:)
