05 August 2013

Tractors and Sunsets

Last summer I had the chance to do my first ever session when my little sister asked me to take her senior pictures. I was SO nervous but I was also so excited to have a model that I could give direction to and pose. This was also going to be my first real chance to work with natural light during the "golden hour".

When I saw this old lonely tractor by our community garden plot, I knew it would be the perfect place to take my cowgirl-at-heart sister. I didn't (and still don't) have a lot of experience with posing, but luckily for me my sister was a natural. She knew where to look and how to move. This modeling skill shouldn't have come as a surprise to me, this girl has always loved the camera and always known how to strike a pose!
From this session I learned small but important tips like, always check wrists for hairbands, and wear comfy clothes that are okay to get dirty (because somehow I always end up laying on my stomach). I also learned that although "golden hour" has beautiful light, the light is also changing very quickly as the sun sets. I was constantly adjusting my settings to achieve the correct exposure.

Fast forward a year and I had another chance just this week to photograph my little sis before she leaves for college. I LOVE looking at the most recent images and seeing my progression as a photographer and also as a photo editor. I am able to create beautiful images that express my personal style without taking HOURS in Lightroom correcting every tiny thing.

Stay tuned for my latest sessions!

PS: I'm pretty sure my Mr. J would go crazy over these images because he really loves tractors right now. Like really loves them. I can hear him right now, "TRACTOR!" I apologize for raising my online voice, but it needs to be authentic.


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