12 November 2013

Pot Pie Dough

I love taking shortcuts in the kitchen. If it can be prepared with fewer than five dishes, be ready in 20 minutes, or just thrown in the slow cooker, then I am a happy gal.

But I also have dearly loved recipes where I refuse to compromise.Would Grandma's Chicken Pot Pie work with store bought refrigerated dough? Why certainly! But if you are spending the time to make a pot pie, you might as well make an easy dough that will bake into the golden, flaky crust of your dreams.

This recipe might look intimidating, but I promise that making the dough is easy! Rolling out the dough and making it into a pot pie can be the tricky part. (Steps 1-5 cover the making of the dough, steps 6-12 cover the process of making the dough into a pot pie.)

Chicken Pot Pie Dough
Yield: Crust for 2 quart pot pie 
Nutritional Information

2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup shortening
1/2 cup hot (almost boiling) water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 egg yolk, not beaten

1. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together in a large bowl.

2. Pour 1/2 cup water into a small microwave-safe bowl, and heat in the microwave until almost boiling. Slowly stir shortening into hot water until melted and smooth.

3. Stir shortening into flour mixture in large bowl. Mix until evenly moistened. (PS: I'm sorry if you are one of those people who hates the word "mo*st", I just couldn't describe it in any other way!)

4. Add lemon juice and egg yolk. Stir until well combined.

5. Cover dough and chill for at least 30 minutes. The longer it chills the less sticky and less frustrating the dough will be.

6. Divide dough equally into fourths. On floured wax paper, roll out three parts for the bottom of a 2-quart dish, reserving one part for the top. Have your baking dish on hand to measure your dough. You will need between 2-3 inches extra on all sides, depending on your dish.

7. When you are done rolling out the bottom, slide your hand under the wax paper and gently flip the dough into the baking dish. Make sure the dough reaches all sides and gently peel off the wax paper. With a knife, trim off any dough that hangs over more than 1-inch.

8. Fill with your desired pot pie recipe. I recommend my Grandma's recipe (of course!) that will come later next week.

9. On floured wax paper, roll out remaining dough for the top of the pot pie. As before, flip and place gently over the filled pie, making sure the dough reaches all four sides.

10. Dip your first two fingers in a cup of warm water and slide between the two pieces of dough along the edge. Press the dough gently along the edge to seal it. Carefully work your way around the whole pie.

11. Using a knife, cut off the extra dough hanging over the baking dish, leaving no more than an inch. Roll the sealed dough towards the pot pie and tuck under, forming the crust.

12. Cut four vents in the top. Bake at 425°F for 25-30 minutes or until crust is golden brown and the gravy bubbles up through the vents.

 I love love this recipe and it is always my go to when taking a meal to a new mom or someone else in need. Although I love taking shortcuts in the kitchen, this is one recipe that makes me proud to say, "I make my own chicken pot pie with homemade crust and I promise it is better than Miss Calendar's!" 


  1. Thanks for the tutorial. The pastry looks so delicious! I love pot pie and just in time for Autumn heading into Winter here in Australia.

    1. You are so welcome KayeB! I hope it tastes just as delicious in your part of the world. Thanks for stopping by : )
