16 November 2013

TogetherBox Bug Activities

Two weeks ago our Bug TogetherBox came in the mail and J was overjoyed and couldn't rip into it fast enough. (Probably because he thought it was another package from Grandma filled with trucks. I was equally excited because it was my first time winning a blog giveaway!)

 Inside, we found our TogetherBox stuffed with all sorts of bug catching equipment (bug mansion, butterfly net, and a bug scoop) in addition to supplies for making our own sticky spider web and our own butterfly cocoon. Although the recommended age range for the box is 3-10 years old, we were able to adapt the activities for a younger audience.

Activities for Younger Children

BUG CATCHING: J needed help knowing where to look for bugs (and reminders not to squish the bugs), but once he got the hang of it he loved going outside and catching bugs and looking at them through the magnifying glass.

 (On an unrelated note, does anyone know what roly-poly bugs eat?)

BUTTERFLY CATCHING: Also included in the box is a butterfly net which would be a lot of fun for an older child, but I couldn't imagine my 21 month old having the coordination to chase down and catch a butterfly. He tried and it was adorable but still, not really possible. 

I noticed the cute packing materials (tissue paper) and feeling creative (resourceful?), I used it to make butterflies for J to catch with his net.

1. Cut the tissue paper in half.           
2. Fold the two long edges to meet in the center.
3. Draw butterfly halves along the folded edge.
4. Keeping the tissue paper folded over, cut out the butterflies.

Although some of my butterflies were more convincing than others (don't judge), J loved chasing the butterflies around as I dropped them and they floated down to the ground and hopefully his net.

HIDE-A-BUG: This cute little bug was also included in the box and labeled as the "love bug". The idea is that you do something nice for someone in the family and then leave the bug behind so they know they have been shown some love.

J can't quite grasp this concept yet and so instead I hide the bug during nap time and J looks for it when he wakes up. The hiding places are always quite obvious, but it is a fun little game for us to play together. Eventually I will have J take a turn hiding the bug. (That should be entertaining!)

BOOKS: Next, we headed to the library with a list of excellent bug books. J loves books and I've found that it is the best way for him to learn about his favorite subjects.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is by far the favorite. Every time I turn to the strawberry page, J licks his lips and says, "Mmm, strawies!"

I would also add to the above list Hey, Little Ant by Phillip and Hannah Hoose and Waiting for Wings by Lois Ehlert. 

I'm now happy to say that after receiving our bug box and doing the activities, J is no longer squishing every bug that he comes across on the sidewalk! I'm excited to continue his love of bugs as he grows older.

Thanks Pinterest!
Theme Week: BUGS
Bug Week with Virtual Book Club
Bug Craft Round Up

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