25 July 2014

Toddler Truths (New Baby Edition)

After finishing my doughnut in the hospital, the first time he's seen his new sister.
J: Do you like doughnuts baby Ellie?
[ pause]
J: Do you like airplanes?

After I'd explained that I didn't have a baby in my tummy anymore.
J: Make another baby.
To Joseph.
J: Make another baby too! At the doctor's office!
Obviously someone has no grasp of where babies come from.

Serenading Ellie.
J: Nothing known before. Love is a Grocery Stooooore!
J's adaptation of "Love is an Open Door" from Frozen.

After J picked out a monkey rattle for Ellie.
Jessica: J, what should we name Ellie's monkey?
J: Ham.
Jessica: Ham?
J: Ham is the monkey in space

Jessica: Ricky racky roo. I love you. Ricky racky ree. You love me.
J: Ricky racky roo. I love baby Ellie! Ricky racky ree. I love me!

Running up to Super Grandpa, only to find him holding Ellie.
[ pause ]
J: Oh no!
[ runs away ]

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