03 November 2015

The Doctor is In

I've never been one to put much effort into holidays (besides Christmas and birthdays), but after seeing J's eyes light up when we hung paper bats from the light fixture, I decided to change my ways. He exclaimed, "We have a Halloween house!" with so much joy that it melted my heart.

We went to the library and scoured the shelves for Halloween books with a pumpkin sticker on the spine. (Our favorites being Creepy Carrots, Click Clack Boo, and I am a Witch's Cat.) We painted pumpkins and snacked on the roasted seeds.

The Pieper family enjoyed a week of Halloween festivities, which was just fine with me considering the time we put into the costume development process. (When J finally settled on doctor and not euphlosephalus or elephant, my time at the sewing machine was thankfully reduced.)

Ellie girl had her share of the fun as well with several costume changes for each activity throughout the week. She was a Super Girl turned puppy and was quite adorable as both. What can I say, this girl loves to wear anything and everything (and sometimes at the same time).

We enjoyed a play date at the park in costumes, a church Halloween Carnival, and of course the night of trick or treating itself. 

After the first house and a HUGE handful of candy, J was ready to call it quits and start eating. When we told him he could go to more houses for more candy, he couldn't believe it. For the rest of the night we could hardly make him stop! If he witnessed even the smallest glimmer of light in a house, you had better believe that he was marching up to the door for his share of the sweets.

I don't know a doctor could have such a sweet tooth.

Although we only trick or treated a few houses, we all had SO much fun! And as a sort of Halloween Scrooge myself, I can't believe that I am actually excited for this spooky time of year to roll around again.

1 comment:

  1. How adorable are these costumes! You kids are precious!

