28 June 2013

Session One: Kids Don't Sit

This sweet family is one of my favorites in the neighborhood and they were my first volunteers after I offered free sessions to my friends and family. I was so pumped to spend the evening playing and being silly with these two adorable, energetic boys! We chased bubbles, colored with chalk, and even scooted on skateboards.
After sending the big brothers to play, I spent a few quiet moments with the six month old little sister, who is absolutely precious! Plus, check out the gorgeous dark hardwood floor and the amazing natural light in their living room. (Can this be my studio? Pretty please!?) 

And while admiring the floor just try to resist this little darling and those sweet cheeks!
This was a perfect way to start off my string of free sessions. Although I was nervous at first, they welcomed me into their home and let me be silly and learn as I went.

I left a wiser person, knowing that you need to bring your A-game when photographing kids because they sit still for no one.
(And if they do sit, it is on accident and they make sure 
you don't catch them smiling.)

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