01 July 2013

365: Halfway

As of today, I am halfway through my 365 Photography Project! When I started back in January, I was searching for a way to motivate myself to use my camera in my everyday life. I cannot say that I actually believed I would stick with it for more than a month, let alone six months.

Sometimes (like today, oops!) it is a struggle with crazy life to remember to pick up my camera and look for something beautiful. And then there are other days (like this past weekend in the mountains, post coming!) when I cannot seem to snap the shutter quick enough.

But no matter what kind of day it is, when I look back at the thousands of pictures this project has moved me to take I feel so much joy. I can watch my little boy grow up. I can remember all the small and beautiful moments I would otherwise forget. I can see the happiness and joy we enjoy everyday.

I can say without a doubt that this project, though difficult and time-consuming, has been a blessing in my life. It has helped me to improve my photography and also learn to see and love life in a new way.

These are some of my favorites from the first half of the year:

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