06 November 2013

365: October Favorites

Fall is surely here and we are finding many ways to celebrate. From a visit to an apple orchard, to cooking up warm pumpkin spiced goodness, we are truly loving this cool weather. (And by cool I mean high in the 60s, sorry friends up North!).

Little J was in heaven this month when we flew on a plane to visit both sets of his grandparents in Idaho. Heaven because of the airplanes and also the doting grandparents! He was happy to point out the different parts of the plane, wave to the pilots, and have an excuse to watch Cars uninterrupted. 

J also learned about the magic of trick-or-treating when after visiting one house dressed as a cowboy, he left smiling with a candy clutched in each hand. The best part? He was completely content with trick-or-treating one house and we went home and enjoyed the rest of the night with a big bowl of candy (meant for the trick-or-treaters that never came).


  1. New follower for Project 365, love your pictures!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Gabrielle! I am so excited to have a support system as we work through our Project 365. Heading over to check out your photographs now...
