20 January 2014

Year in Review

It was a great year for the Piepers with plenty of adventures (and pictures of said adventures)! Here's a collection of our big moments and favorite pictures from 2013.

After a very stressful recruiting season for Joseph, we were overjoyed (and felt very blessed) when he landed an accounting internship with a Big Four accounting firm. We packed up all our most essential belongings into two cars and drove to our new (temporary) home in Sacramento, California. 

While Joseph was away working his dream job I was busy trying to come up with things to keep me busy. Then my 365 photography project was born! I knew I wanted to improve my photography and so I challenged myself to take a picture everyday for a year. This month J and I also started training to run a 5K. In the beginning it was much more walking than running, but we eventually got the hang of it!

This month J turned one year old!

We celebrated my birthday with a tour of the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield and a day trip to the beautiful Sonoma. For my birthday, I was surprised with enrollment to the New York Institute of Photography professional photography course. (!!)

This month was also the beginning of The Pieper Life blog, with my first post about an awesome deal I got at Target. Month 13 covers all of J's accomplishments as a new one year old.

April meant the end of Joseph's internship (with a much celebrated job offer!) and a move back to our cozy house in Utah. We were excited to be back and it even snowed one day so we could say we played in the snow that winter. 

We loved being with family again for Easter and just in general. It felt so good to be home. J's Month 14 was an exciting one to be sure!

J was especially adorable this month. Eating eyeshadow, emptying cupboards, riding giraffes. Yes, Month 15 was full of laughs and giggles.

Joseph and I celebrated our three year wedding anniversary, with a picnic dinner and a few games of bowling. (Bowling? Yes, after four years of dating and marriage we had never gone bowling together and I thought it was time I showed of my skills.)

I also began shooting and sharing family and newborn sessions to put my NYIP course work to the test. This was an amazing amount of work but I LOVED challenging myself and seeing what was becoming of my style as a photographer.

While celebrating our freedoms on the fourth of July, I was also celebrating the halfway point of my 365.

August was a big hot mess month for our family as we left Utah and headed to our new home in Las Vegas, Nevada. And I say big month because moving is always difficult and stressful. And a hot month because we decided to move into our apartment on the hottest day I had ever experienced.

Although it was a big move, we felt truly blessed when we found the perfect apartment in a great neighborhood within walking distance to several parks and the library. Joseph started graduate school the next week at UNLV and we all fell in love with the complex pool and air-conditioning.

J turned 18 months which meant that he could go to nursery at church instead of pretending to be a lap-child through adult Sunday school. Oh blessed day!

Suddenly J was no longer my baby this month but instead a little boy. We spent our off time exploring the lights of Vegas and cooking up new recipes.

We fell even more in love with Las Vegas this month when we were expecting a chill... that never came. Being from Idaho, we were thrilled with these new "winters".

J was half a cowboy for Halloween. (I saw half because he is missing a hat.) We trick or treated one house, he received two pieces of candy and he thought it was the best thing ever.

Joseph and I started the month of November on a red-eye flight to Florida for an early Christmas present to each other.

For the rest of the month, at least one member of the family was sick in bed with something. After visiting the doctor's office we discovered that bronchitis and a double ear infection were to blame.

In December we were all finally cured from our ailments and ready for the Christmas season. My 365 photography project was finally finished this month and we all enjoyed the blessed break from school, work, and too many things to do.

The day after Christmas we flew home to Idaho to spend two weeks with family and friends. J LOVED the attention (as always) and became very fond of opening presents. 

2014 has already proven to be a fast-paced year, but we are excited for all the new and exciting changes that will be coming to our family this year. 

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